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Caddy Daddy – 1964 Cadillac Eldorado
Here’s a big update on restoring the 1964 Cadillac Eldorado. Watch to get a tour of the car.

Starting Up Car After Winter
Josh is back with some important tips and in-depth info when you are starting up your car after it has been sitting for a long time.

1959 Cadillac Horn Ring
We are excited to show off our new upcoming chrome 1959 Cadillac horn ring which will be available very soon. Gretchen shows how to remove your old steering wheel, install our…

1959 Cadillac Blister Ice Cream Cones
Caddy Daddy now has sets of rear quarter blister “ice cream cones” for sale on caddydaddy.com. Chrome sets are also available.

1959 Cadillac Horn Rings Coming Soon
We are currently in the process of getting 1959 Cadillac horn rings available soon. There are several key improvements on the upcoming Caddy Daddy reproduction horn rings. Test fitting videos will…

1959 Cadillac Fleetwood Teardown: Day 03
This is the third installment of our 1959 Cadillac Fleetwood teardown. In this two part video, the intake manifold, coil, and air conditioning control case more are removed. Several parts have…

1959 Cadillac Fleetwood Teardown: Day 02
This is day 2 of our 1959 Cadillac Fleetwood teardown. In this video, the power steering pump, air storage tank, generator, the carburetor and more are removed. Several parts have been…

1959 Cadillac Fleetwood Teardown: Day 01
This is day 1 of our 1959 Cadillac Fleetwood teardown. In this video, the hood hinges, hood extension, and front end moldings are removed. Several parts have been cleaned up and…

1959 Cadillac Fleetwood Teardown Intro
CaddyDaddy is back with new video content! This is an introduction to a huge project. John and Chris will be tearing down a 1959 Cadillac Fleetwood. Section by section, this car…